Who Are You?

I started writing this blog almost 6 months ago. Wow – I can’t believe it’s already been that long! And I’ve been having a great time!

I began with the intention of writing for myself and if anyone else happened to read it, then that was fantastic too. Along the way I’ve found some wonderful blogs and bloggers and am still happily surprised whenever I get a lovely comment.

I wanted to keep somewhat anonymous here – only a few people in real life even know I have a blog. But I’ve come to realize that it’s really nice to match the face with the blogger. So, I’ve added my picture (front-facing this time) to my sidebar! I know this doesn’t sound like a huge deal, but it is to me. It almost makes my blogging feel even more real to me and I’m glad as time goes on, that we can all keep getting to know one another and evolve in new ways each day. 🙂


  1. So glad we can see your pretty face! It’s hard to put yourself out there initially… it takes guts. When I first started blogging some of my friends/family were skeptical. It’s not that they were critical, they just didn’t get it. Now that I’ve been at it for a bit and they have seen it grow and the opportunities that come from it they are totally routing for me. As we get more confident in our abilities I think it’s easier to put yourself out there! xo


  2. First time visiting your blog. I have to comment because I am in the same place. A few days ago I had mentioned starting a blog to a friend. She actually found my blog and started sharing with neighbors. Help! I sent her a friendly email today asking her to not mention it to neighbors .. It will end up being reviewed at book club! Your blog is lovely:) nice job ! Leslie


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